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Join the Coaching Team at The Novelry

No admin. No fuss. Just coaching. Apply today.

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The Novelry is seeking bestselling fiction authors


“Life-changing” that’s what aspiring writers most often say about The Novelry.  

We’re the world’s favorite fiction writing school with more five-star reviews from writers than any other creative writing program. Founded by a Booker-listed, award-winning author, with an expert team of writing coaches and professional publishing editors from the Big Five publishing houses, we focus on helping writers make the journey to become published authors with our three-step program of courses, community and coaching.

The writing coach is a cheerleader helping writers to get that first draft done. After that, our editorial team takes over to raise that first draft to publishing standard. There’s no teaching needed. We cover that in our course classes. Just coaching! Our online coaching platform provides an at-a-glance view of the writer’s story so far for fuss-free coaching. We’ve got you!

Are you a published fiction author?

  • Have you published at least two fiction novels?
  • Via a major traditional publishing house?
  • Achieved bestseller status?
  • Or been nominated for awards listings?

Open to helping other writers?

  • Bring meaningful and positive change to talented writers with a warm, creative and constructive approach.
  • Coaching writers one-on-one from home.
  • Very nice writers guaranteed! (Work only with writers you want to work with!)
  • Manage your diary and work as many or as few hours as you like.
  • With low admin, no manuscript edits or reports (our editors do the heavy lifting! You just help with the creative development of the story via live mentoring.)
  • Great hourly rates.
  • ... and being treated like a rock star!

Apply now!

We’re open to applications. To apply, all you need to do is to email us with a link to your author website. We’ll let you know the hourly rates. The Novelry USA Inc offers a freelance 1099 contract and you can terminate at any time. 

We will arrange a chance for you to meet our Founder, Louise Dean, for an online chat and you can ask any questions then. Simply email us at hello @ and we’ll come back to you. We can’t wait to meet you! Thanks for applying.

Email us


You will need high-speed internet access for the live online coaching sessions.

If you offer courses or coaching either independently or via another company you are not eligible to apply. Thank you.